AEPO-ARTIS and AZAS, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of North Macedonia and in collaboration with AIPA, are cordially inviting you to a two-day conference “EU Enlargement and Copyright Law: What’s next for actors in the Western Balkans?” which will be entirely dedicated to the status of the protection of actors in these candidate Member States.
The conference will bring together experts from governments, collective management organisations as well as unions and guilds from the region to share their insights on the most recent developments and upcoming challenges to make their local audiovisual sector a sustainable working environment for actors.
24 – 25 October 2024
Skopje Marriott Hotel
Plostad Makedonija 7
(Entrance from str. Maksim Gorki)
Skopje, North Macedonia, 1000
The participation is free of charge but registration is required.
Please confirm your participation by filling in the registration form by 30 September.
The agenda will be updated in the coming days with the names of all participants.
12h30 Registration and light lunch
13h30 Opening speeches
14h00 The upcoming EU enlargement
14h30 The EU acquis for actors and the history of collective Management for Actors in the EU
15h00 Implementation of the DSM Directive, a best practice example from Slovenia
15h30 BREAK
15h50 Case study 1 – North Macedonia
16h30 Case study 2 – Serbia
17h10 Q&A
17h45 Closing of DAY 1
FRIDAY 25/10
09h30 Case study 3 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
10h10 Case Study 4 – Albania
10h50 Q&A
11h25 BREAK
11h45 Artificial Intelligence
12h45 Closing remarks
13h00 Closing of DAY 2 and light lunch
On 24 October in the evening, we will be hosting a dinner to which you are all warmly invited. The name of the restaurant and time of dinner will be communicated in due course.
We have taken options on a limited number of rooms at a preferential group rate of 160 euros (1 person, deluxe room) and 170 euros (2 persons, deluxe room) at Skopje Marriott Hotel from 23 to 25 October.
For reservations, you can book your group rate here.
The deadline to book a room is 20 September.