
AEPO-ARTIS appeals to Finland’s Minister of Culture: Protect Private Copying Remuneration for Performers

In a significant development concerning the Finnish cultural sector, AEPO-ARTIS expressed grave concerns over the Finnish government’s proposal to halve the private copying remuneration.

Private copying remuneration is a critical source of income for European performers, ranking as the second-highest source of collection among AEPO-ARTIS members. This compensation is one of the few mechanisms that directly remunerates performers for the use of their work, making it a crucial element in their professional income. A reduction from the current level of EUR 11 million to EUR 5.5 million would significantly undermine the already precarious financial situation of our artists.


The current compensation level is based on empirical research conducted in 2023, and no recent studies justify a reduction. While we understand that political motives might drive the proposed budget cut, it does not align with EU legal obligations.


Furthermore, the recent Opinion of the Education Committee (SiVL 5/2024 vp) emphasizes the need to provide rightholders with “fair compensation” and insists on the importance of maintaining appropriate reimbursement levels. The proposed halving of the budget, without a thorough economic assessment, fails to meet these standards and could severely impact performers and various cultural projects supported by the private copying remuneration system.


At a time when the promotion of Finnish and European culture is more crucial than ever, the proposed budget cuts will have damaging effects on the cultural landscape. Therefore, we urge the Finnish Minister of Culture, Ms. Sari Multala, to reconsider this decision and remain open to further discussions on this critical issue.


By standing against the proposed reduction, AEPO-ARTIS aims to protect the livelihoods of performers and ensure the continued vitality of Finnish and European cultural heritage.