
Collective Management

December 13, 2021

Worldwide COVID-19 has hit the cultural industries hard. Very hard. However, collective management succeeded in limiting the impact for performers. A survey that AEPO-ARTIS and SCAPR conducted among their members...

April 1, 2021

AEPO-ARTIS has published an animation summarising why performers’ remuneration rights and their collective management are important: (et disponible avec des sous-titres en français ici: )

March 17, 2021

A warm thank you to all of you who participated in the AEPO-ARTIS and SAA event yesterday (supported by the European Parliament’s Cultural Creators Friendship Group): Collective management: A safety...

March 17, 2021

On 17 March 2021, European collective management organisations and their members came together to discuss how to secure fair remuneration for performers and audiovisual authors. 12 European performers, screenwriters and...

March 16, 2021

INVITATION: Collective management: A safety net for authors and performers 17 March 2021, 11:00-12:30 (CET) What do collective management organisations do and why are they important for authors and performers?...

August 13, 2020

On 10 July, the Commission launched a “roadmap” consultation as part of its initiative to prepare an intellectual property action plan. This action plan will set out the Commission’s vision...

April 6, 2020

Dear President von der Leyen,Dear Commissioner Gabriel, The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all countries in Europe, and it is already evident that performers have been heavily impacted with film and...

November 7, 2018

PRESS RELEASE: Brussels, 7 November 2018: The Association of European Performers’ Organisations, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar dedicated to “EU Copyright Acquis: 25 years of harmonisation. What is working for...

December 6, 2016

On 5 December 2016, AEPO-ARTIS and key representatives of the FAIR INTERNET campaign, gathered at the Solvay Library in Brussels, to take stock of the Commission’s draft Directive on Copyright...