Last week, from 13th until 17th of March, the 43rd WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) took place, with once more a lot of time given to...
On 15 February 2023, exactly 1400 days after the adoption of the 2019 Copyright directive, the European Commission has referred 6 countries to the European Court of Justice for failing...
Earlier this week, the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Slovenian Parliament approved the draft law implementing the CDSM directive 2019/790, bringing the total amount of countries that have completed...
On July 20th, Commissioner Thierry Breton, responded to a Parliamentary Question that was tabled in March 2022 by the Cultural and Creators Friendship Group (CCFG). The question concerning article 18...
Today – 16 June 2022 – the Belgium Parliament completed the implementation of the so-called Copyright directive (2019/790). As one of the 13 remaining countries that were running late in...
Today, June 7th, 2022, is a big day for performers’ rights. It is explicitly stated in the new Copyright Directive that as of today, for all new contracts, performers and...
Danish Musician’s Union delivered signatures of 4500 artists supporting the #Fixstreaming campaign to the Danish Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, asking for a fair remuneration of Danish artists in the...
Performers warn Member States against rapid implementation of the Copyright Directive On May 19th, the European Commission has taken the next step in the infringement procedure of the so-called Copyright...
On the 2022 World Intellectual Property Day, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its ruling on the case against Article 17 of the Copyright Directive (C-401/19). Poland...
A few days ago, several members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education met with performers and their representatives from across Europe to discuss the fact that —...
As part of the official programme of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, representatives from a wide range of artistic disciplines gathered on Friday 4th March...
Almost three years after the adoption of the Copyright Directive, less than 50% of Member States have transposed it, leaving performers in the dark as to the right on a...
With France taking over presidency of the European Union and the ambitious programme that President Emmanuel Macron has presented to the Parliament in Strasbourg, AEPO-ARTIS wrote an open letter to...
The UK Parliament published today a Private Member’s Bill from Kevin Brennan MP entitled “Copyright (Rights and Remuneration of Musicians, Etc.) Bill” available here. The bill proposes the introduction for...
Members of the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG) in the European Parliament released yesterday a video in support of the implementation of article 18 of the 2019 Copyright Directive calling...
On 17 November, AEPO-ARTIS held its annual (remote) seminar on performers and performers’ rights. This year’s seminar focused in particular on the implementation of article 18 of the 2019 Copyright...
AEPO-ARTIS Webinar 2020 On 17 November, AEPO-ARTIS shall host a free webinar on the subject of “Performers and performers’ rights: How can we create a sustainable creative eco-system in Europe?”...
Performers’ organisations welcome European Parliament’s CCFG call to the European Commission and Member States to ensure an effective implementation of article 18 EU Copyright Directive guaranteeing the fair remuneration of...
Professor Raquel Xalabarder of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, recently published an article entitled “The Principle Of Appropriate And Proportionate Remuneration Of Art.18 Digital Single Market Directive: Some Thoughts For...
In 2019 after long negotiations, the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was adopted. Article 18 of this Directive obliges Member States to ensure that authors and...
On 8 September, AEPO-ARTIS submitted its contribution to the Targeted Consultation addressed to the participants to the stakeholder dialogue on Article 17 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital...
On 10 July, the Commission launched a “roadmap” consultation as part of its initiative to prepare an intellectual property action plan. This action plan will set out the Commission’s vision...
Exchanging with Commissioner Gabriel today, AEPO-ARTIS, FIA, FIM and IAO shared with her what they consider the European Commission’s key priorities should be in order to strengthen performers’ protection and...
AEPO-ARTIS Seminar “Post Copyright Directive: What performers’ rights protection in the future?” On 10 December 2019, the Association of European Performers’ Organisations, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar dedicated to a...
The FAIR INTERNET coalition representing over 500,000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists urges members of the European Parliament to give their final approval in plenary to the...
Brussels, 18 February 2019, The FAIR INTERNET coalition representing over 500,000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists urges the Council and the Parliament to give their final approval...
Brussels, 18 February 2019, The FAIR INTERNET coalition representing over 500,000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists urges the Council and the Parliament to give their final approval...
Open Letter to President Juncker: European Commission yet again fails to listen to the legitimate demands of performers in Europe Dear President Juncker, At a critical time for the future...
On 10 December, European and international authors and performers’ organisations from all sectors released the following joint statement JOINT STATEMENT: THE EU URGENTLY NEEDS REMUNERATION RULES FOR AUTHORS AND PERFORMERS...
PRESS RELEASE: Brussels, 7 November 2018: The Association of European Performers’ Organisations, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar dedicated to “EU Copyright Acquis: 25 years of harmonisation. What is working for...
PRESS RELEASE: Brussels, 7 November 2018:The Association of European Performers’ Organisations, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar dedicated to “EU Copyright Acquis: 25 years of harmonisation. What is working for performers...
Brussels, 13 September 2018: The FAIR INTERNET coalition, representing over 500.000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists, welcomes the vote of the European Parliament’s plenary on the draft...
Brussels, 11 September 2018:Tomorrow, MEPs will vote in plenary on the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The FAIR INTERNET coalition calls on all MEPs to safeguard...
Brussels, 5 July 2018: The FAIR INTERNET coalition, representing over 500.000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists, calls on members of the European Parliament – when considering amendments...
On 4 June 2018, a number of European performers and audiovisual authors released the following open letter addressed to Members of the Legal Affairs committee of the European Parliament: Brussels,...
On 29 May 2018, an event took place at the European Parliament hosted by MEPs Marc Joulaud (EPP), Mary Honeyball (S&D) and Helga Trüpel (Greens/EFA) took place at the European...
Brussels, 22 May 2018:AEPO-ARTIS, the Association of European Performers’ Organisations, on behalf of the FAIR INTERNET coalition, representing over half a million music and audiovisual performers in Europe, and German...
On 21 November 2017, the partners in the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS member GVL held a German Media Briefing at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels. Entitled...
On 7 November 2017, the Fair Internet Coalition, with the support of Mary Honeyball MEP, hosted a Live Performance With Murray Head at the Concert Noble, Brussels. Prior to the...
On 16 October 2017, the partners of the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members SAWP and STOART held a debate with the Polish press and Polish representatives...
On 16 October 2017, the partners of the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members SAWP and STOART held a debate with the Polish press and Polish representatives...
On 26 September 2017, the partners in the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members ADAMI, Playright and SPEDIDAM held a Francophone Media Briefing at the Silken Berlaymont...
German actor Hans Werner Meyer, starring in over 120 film and TV productions in Germany, and the FAIR INTERNET Coalition, representing over 500,000 professional performers across Europe, formally delivered today...
FAIR INTERNET coalition statement to the Presidency proposals regarding articles 13-16 of the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market from 30 August 2017 The partners of the...
Statement of the Fair Internet Coalition, On 11 July 2017, the members of the European Parliament Industry and Culture Committees adopted their opinions on the Draft EU Copyright Directive. While...
On 10 July 2017, the Fair Internet Coalition submitted the following statement to the Members of the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee with its comments to the amendments tabled to...
On 6 June 2017, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar entitled “Performers’ Rights in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities” at the THON EU Hotel in Brussels. The AEPO-ARTIS seminar, amongst other issues,...
On 2 May 2017, FIM with the support of WIPO held a Side Event in Geneva on the occasion of the 34th WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights,...
On 28 March 2017, the partners in the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members Playright and NORMA held a Press Briefing at the Silken Berlaymont Hotel in...
On 23 March 2017, the partners in the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members AIE and AISGE held a Spanish Media Briefing at the Silken Berlaymont Hotel...
On 31st January 2017, at the invitation of MEP Helga Trüpel, AEPO-ARTIS participated in a workshop at the European Parliament on online platforms and the value gap. The workshop focused...
On 11 January 2017, the FAIR INTERNET Coalition released a press statement calling on MEPs to make the necessary amendments to the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single...
The AEPO-ARTIS seminar, amongst other issues, took stock of the European Commission’s proposal For a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which is now being discussed in trilogue...
On 5 December 2016, AEPO-ARTIS and key representatives of the FAIR INTERNET campaign, gathered at the Solvay Library in Brussels, to take stock of the Commission’s draft Directive on Copyright...